A to Z Food America

A to Z Food America is a single-source digital library reference that covers regional (6), state (50), and ethnic (35) cuisines for the entire country. This database contains large-scale historical, ingredient, and reference modules of great use to cooks, culinary students, and historians.

A to Z World Food

This new library resource contains more than 7,000 traditional recipes from 174 countries, along with thousands of ingredient, food culture, and reference articles, making it the largest food database of its kind.

American Ancestors

AmericanAncestors.org provides access to more than 1.4 billion records spanning twenty-two countries covering the United States, the British Isles, continental Europe, and beyond, including one of the most extensive online collections of early American genealogical records

American Physical Society

The American Physical Society is a nonprofit membership organization working to advance physics by fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and global community dedicated to science and society. APS represents more than 50,000 members, including physicists in academia, national laboratories, and industry in the United States and around the world. APS provides free online access to all … Continued

Ancestry Library Edition (In-Library only)

Ancestry Library Edition delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more. Ancestry Library Edition brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library. This is the in-library use edition. Please click on the in-home version for home use. Click here for a tutorial.


Animated storybook classics are paired with a thematically-related nonfiction ebook and supported by comprehension activities to build skills, confidence, and curiosity. Click here for tutorial.

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