How do I get a library card?

You may apply for a library card in person at the library with proof of your current address. Please provide one of these acceptable proof of address documents which includes but is not limited to:

  • Valid Massachusetts Driver’s License with current address
  • Valid Massachusetts State Identification Card with current address
  • An imprinted bank check or deposit slip
  • Rent receipt (confirming 30 day occupancy)
  • Utility bill dated within the last 30 days
  • Letter verifying residency and mailing address dated within the last 30 days from a social service provider, temporary employer that provides housing, or a short-term residence 


How do I get an eCard?

A CW/MARS eCard will allow you to access the Westborough Library’s online collections and give you access to Libby and Palace, apps that allows you to borrow eBooks, Audiobooks, Magazines, and more. eCards are available instantly and can be converted to a physical library card when you come in to visit.

You are eligible to apply for a CW MARS eCard, if you…

Click here to sign up for an eCard!

How do I access my online account?

You can log in to your library account by visiting the library catalog and clicking the sign in button. Enter your library card number and your pin number / password to gain access.

Your pin number / password is given to you when you first sign up for your card and defaults to the last 4 numbers of the phone number you signed up with. If you are having issues accessing your library account, please give us a call at 508-366-3050 or visit a service desk.

Access the library catalog

Who can use my library card?

  • A Westborough Public Library card is valid only for that specific cardholder and should be treated with great care. Cardholders are held responsible for material obtained with their library cards.
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