Meeting Space Policy

Meeting spaces at the Westborough Public Library are available to civic, cultural, charitable, and educational groups and organizations that have a substantial connection to the Westborough community and are engaged in activities consistent with the library’s mission. The meeting rooms are not available to businesses or to private organizations. 

The rooms are not to be used for social, partisan religious, partisan political purposes, or for the benefit of commercial enterprises or individual use; you may not solicit for a particular business or cause, or gather personal information from attendees.

Questions of interpretation will be referred to the Library Director. Final determination rests with the Board of Trustees. Permission to meet at the library does not in any way constitute or imply endorsement of the users’ policies, beliefs, or programs by the library staff or Board of Trustees.

Regulations for Use

  • The applicant is expected to adhere to the stated purpose of the meeting.
  • Meetings must be free and open to the public. Attendance is limited to no more than 40.
  • Patrons, groups, or organizations may have 2 bookings of meeting space per month and book up to 2 months in advance.
  • Failure to cancel a reservation (min. 24 hour notice) will result in suspension of meeting space reservation privileges.
  • Patrons must check in at the main floor Circulation Desk before using any reserved meeting space.
  • No admission fees can be charged. No collections or donations can be solicited. No items can be sold.
  • Meeting spaces may be booked for up to 4 hours maximum.
  • Coffee and light refreshments may be provided. No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed.
  • The space must be left in a clean and orderly condition, as determined by library personnel. If it is not, a cleaning charge of $50 per hour will be billed to the applicant.
  • Each group is responsible for setting up the room. The library staff will assist if time and staffing allow. Wall hangings may not be removed or disturbed.
  • Library staff shall have the right to cancel, reschedule, or transfer meeting room locations or dates that conflict with library sponsored programs and/or special events. In such cases, the library will make its best effort to give advance notice.
  • Programs may not disrupt the use of the library by others. Persons attending the meeting are subject to all library rules and regulations.
  • Meeting times must be scheduled during normal library hours and end fifteen minutes before library closing. Special permission to meet beyond closing hours may be granted to town boards and committees by the Board of Trustees. However, all exits will be locked at normal closing times. All town Board and Committee meetings shall end by 10:00 pm.
  • Any handouts or distributed or exhibit materials are subject to inspection by the Library Director or Board of Trustees, and any press releases, advertisements, or announcements must be cleared with the Library Director (excluding official postings by Town Boards and Committees) prior to distribution or publication.  
  • Walk-in use of library space is arranged at Main Circulation or with the Reference Librarian; and is first-come, first-served. All participants must adhere to stated library policies.
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