Proctoring is available to residents of/students in Worcester County.

Students are responsible for contacting the library and arranging the exam. Students must ensure that the library has received paper copies of the exam or an exam link at least 1-2 business days ahead of the exam, and they are responsible for providing a contact name, telephone number, and email address for a staff member at the institution.

Proctors will confirm the identity of the student with a photo ID. Proctors will verify the terms of the exam (ensure that the student has only the supplies/materials allowed) and will read any instructions allowed. Proctors will time the exam and collect any materials at the end. Completed printed exams will be scanned and emailed back to the institution at the provided email address. Upon receipt of confirmation, the library will shred printed exams. The library will not mail a copy back to the institution.

Students/Institutions must be aware of the following conditions; if these are unsatisfactory, they should find an alternate location. 

  • Proctors are determined by the library’s schedule, based on dates selected.
  • The library has an open floor plan, which cannot guarantee silence. Students are encouraged to bring earplugs.
  • The library cannot guarantee that the test taker will be in view of the proctor at all times, or that the proctor will be in the room for the entirety of the exam.
  • The library cannot be responsible for tests interrupted by library emergencies, i.e. power failure, weather, lack of computer connectivity.
  • The library has desktop computers, laptops, and hotspots available for test takers; students should arrange usage in advance with their assigned proctor. Students cannot upload software onto library computers/laptops.
  • Students are strongly urged to visit the library ahead of time to check Wi-Fi connection, technology/software requirements.
  • Students must bring photo identification.
  • Due to staffing constraints/scheduling, test takers who arrive late may not be allotted the full time for their exam.

To schedule an exam, please fill out the form below.

Proctoring Request

Required Equipment (if any)
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