The Cultural Cruise is an exciting new program hosted by the Teen Zone. Talented teen volunteers will be teaching a series of basic world language introductory classes for kids in grades K-3. This 30 minute classes are designed to teach some basic vocabulary and interesting facts in a fun and engaging manner. There are over 14 volunteers teaching 11 different languages. Kids can sign up for as many of the classes as they’d like. The lessons will take place over Zoom. Registered participants will be emailed the access codes within 24 hours of the class starting time.Click on the following time slot to register. Each registration is specific for that time period and day, and you can register for as many as you want!
August 3
August 4
3:00 PM:
August 5
August 6
11:00 AM: Aditi (French)
3:00 PM:
August 10
11:00 AM: Olivia (Korean)
3:00 PM: Axel (Spanish)
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20